For thirty-four years you have been the consummate citizen, subsuming your own interests for the greater good of this campus community. In addition to a record of splendid teaching, you have stepped forward at every chance to serve your colleagues. This includes as department chair, key committee member, and director of both the Center for Technology in the Arts and Humanities and the Oakley Center. Most notably you have co-led the inclusive, multi-year effort to imagine and design the transformation of instruction and office space for more than half our faculty, and to re-define the idea of the library for liberal arts colleges. These efforts will benefit faculty and students for generations to come. You have been quick to give credit elsewhere, but the factor common to these advances has been your deft leadership. That same thoughtfulness has characterized your scholarship, much of it focused on the moral complexities involved in our understanding of native peoples of North and South America and of American spirituality—work that has gained international attention. We look forward with understandable pride to the fruits of your next form of service, as president of the School of Advanced Research.
I hereby declare you James N. Lambert, Class of 1939, Professor of Anthropology and Latin American Studies, Emeritus, entitled to all the rights, honors, and privileges appertaining thereto.
June 8, 2014