Charles W. Haxthausen, Robert Sterling Clark Professor of Art History, Emeritus

The museum and academe–two lenses through which to apprehend art–combine in a single vision in your scholarly work, your teaching, and your many years of leadership of the Graduate Program in Art History. Since 1993 you have been to our students an embodiment of the lively intellectual–eager to seek new knowledge and insight, and to share not just the result, but the quest itself. Who knew that so many cities could be visited in one Winter Study trip? There was always one more museum, one more building, one more artwork to experience, and then to contemplate together over dinner late into the evening … only to do it all again somewhere else the next day. These close encounters with art shared near and far have been a form of powerful mentoring that has helped to launch and to shape many a career in the field, while your own work on German art and art criticism has set an example of lucidity. And don’t take our word for it. The College Art Association itself has honored you with its Distinguished Teaching Award for, in its words, providing “long, transformative, and inspiring leadership to one of the most important master’s degree programs in art history in the United States … that in turn has produced numerous leading scholars, teachers, and curators.”

I hereby declare you Robert Sterling Clark Professor of Art History, Emeritus, entitled to all the rights, honors, and privileges appertaining thereto.

June 5, 2016