
View the program for today’s celebration here.


To the Students and Guests of the Class of 2021,

We look forward to welcoming you to campus for an in-person Senior Celebration (a.k.a. commencement) on Monday, May 31, 2021. All seniors, whether on campus or studying remotely, are eligible and welcome to participate in-person, as are students who completed their degree requirements in December 2020, as well as those on track to complete their requirements in December 2021.

  • The virtual Baccalaureate Service will begin at 5pm on Sunday, May 30. All are welcome. If you are on campus, listen for the bells at 4:55pm as well!
  • The Senior Celebration ceremony will begin at noon on Farley-Lamb Field at noon, and the Procession will begin at 11:30 am. Seniors will line up at the Lee Track beginning at 10:30 am
  • The site will open for guest seating at 10:00 am. (Guests, please consult this parking map.)
  • The ceremony will be live-streamed on this website and shown in Williamstown on WilliNet TV, channel 1303.
  • A video recording of the ceremony will be available on this website later in the day, Monday, May 31.
  • Immediately following the ceremony, all are welcome to the the Senior Celebration Picnic at the Weston Athletic Complex.
  • In the event of extreme weather (lightning, wind, and/or hail), we will shift to an entirely virtual celebration streamed via commencement.williams.edu.

On May 17, Governor Baker announced plans to end Massachusetts Covid restrictions and waive the state’s mask guidance for fully vaccinated people starting on Saturday, May 29. In response President Mandel has announced the following changes:

  • We will return to our traditional guidance of six guests per student for the senior ceremony. Additional guests beyond that number are welcome to watch the celebration via live-stream on the Commencement website. As a result of this change, we will also no longer require tickets or registration for attendance.

  • We will continue to require any people who are not vaccinated or have not completed the vaccination process to wear masks indoors, practice social distancing and observe all other public health rules. This includes the significant number of students, faculty and staff who will not have completed the vaccination sequence by May 31, as well as guests. We ask everyone to adhere to these rules both on and off campus, out of respect for our community and care for those around you, some of whom are medically vulnerable.
  • Since the state rule change does not go into effect until the 29th, off-campus students who return on May 23 to participate in the celebration will still be required to test upon arrival and again on May 26, and to quarantine if not fully vaccinated. See details under “For Seniors Returning from Remote Status.”)

  • Starting Saturday, May 29, seniors may leave campus to celebrate with family and friends without asking permission first.

  • Families will be welcome into the dorms to help with move-out, but as a courtesy to the community are asked not to enter residential spaces before then.

We’re so pleased that we can open the festivities to more family and friends, and only regret the short notice necessitated by the timing of the state announcement. You’ll find more details below, and there are many details yet to be worked out, and we will send additional information in follow-up emails as plans come together.

Williams looks forward to providing the Class of 2020 with closure to their own time at the college, which wasn’t possible a year ago.  All signs point to summer of 2022 being the moment to welcome the class of 2020 back to Williamstown.

Senior Celebration 2021: Student and Guests Guide

    • The Senior Celebration will take place at noon Monday, May 31, on Farley Lamb Field. The Procession will begin at 11:30 am. Seniors will line up at the Lee Track beginning at 10:30 am. Faculty will enter Weston Athletic Complex by the Latham St. gate and line up on the fire lane running behind the bleachers.
    • The site will open to guest seating at 10:00 am.
    • The program itself will be shorter than a traditional, full-length graduation, but we are working to make it festive in honor of your accomplishments. Each student will have their name read and, if in attendance, have the chance to cross the stage and be recognized. The class speaker, poet, historian and musician will all be part of the proceedings. 
    • We're calling this a Senior Celebration rather than "commencement" or "graduation" because seniors won't actually become Williams graduates until final grades are tabulated and transcripts are complete. We expect the college trustees to approve senior grades on June 13, after which diplomas will be mailed to all graduates. Transcripts can be requested beginning June 14.
    • Immediately following the ceremony, all are welcome to the The Senior Celebration Picnic at the Weston Athletic Complex.
    • To avoid damage to the turf field, only shoes with a flat bottom from toe to heel will be permitted. Footwear including sneakers, platform shoes, and wedges are fine.
    • Late-May Williamstown weather is unpredictable.
      • If it's sunny, you may want sunglasses and a hat as the field and grandstand are not shaded. If the forecast calls for rain, you should bring rain gear. We discourage people from using umbrellas, since they block the view of other guests.
      • In the event of extreme weather (lightning, wind, and/or hail), the ceremony will go virtual
        and will be live-streamed from commencement.williams.edu
      • We will have a limited supply of water boxes at the ceremony. Please bring water.

    • By attending, seniors, guests, faculty, and staff are attesting to the fact that they are free of COVID-19 symptoms and have not recently been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.

    • Graduating seniors must vacate their residence halls no later than 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, June 1.
    • Families will be welcome into the dorms to help with move-out, but as a courtesy to the community are asked not to enter residential spaces before then.
    • Diplomas will be mailed to graduating seniors in late June. Transcripts documenting graduation may be requested starting Monday, June 14.
    • Please keep in mind that the College’s safety protocols will continue to be in force until May 29.
    • Seniors must line up at the Lee Track beginning at 10:30 am. on May 31.
    • Cap and Gown is required for participation in the Senior Celebration.  Seniors may pick up regalia at the Williams Bookstore 10am-6pm, Monday-Saturday and 12-5pm on Sunday, May 30. The Bookstore will also be open for last minute pick-ups 10-11am on Monday, May 31. Students who wish to place an order for store pick-up can enter their order through the bookstore website. Please see this webpage for more information on Caps and Gowns.
    • To avoid damage to the turf field, only shoes with a flat bottom from toe to heel will be permitted. Footwear including sneakers, platform shoes, and wedges are fine.
    • Caps and Gowns 2021
    • Graduation Announcements & Class Rings
    • Yearbook
    • Photography and Video
  • Arrival/Testing/Quarantine

    • If you choose to come to Williamstown on May 31 for the Senior Celebration only, you don’t need to arrive on May 23 or quarantine. You will have no access to campus buildings or facilities and should arrange for your own off-campus lodging if you’ll need it.
    • If you choose to come to Williamstown on May 31 for the Senior Celebration only, you don’t need to arrive on May 23 or quarantine. You will have no access to campus buildings or facilities and should arrange for your own off-campus lodging if you’ll need it.
    • If you requested campus housing you should have received a confirmation email from Doug Schiazza. (Please note that we are no longer accepting requests for housing on campus.)

      • Students will be provided with their dorm room key/code upon arrival. All rooms are equipped with bed linens (pillow, sheets, blanket, towel, face cloth), as well as soap.
      • If you have any accessibility issues that will require assistance, please contact GL Wallace as soon as possible to ensure that we can meet your needs.
    • Students who are NOT fully vaccinated will be required to quarantine between their arrival on May 23 and when they receive negative results from their second test (administered on the) 26. Students in quarantine must remain in their room except to use their designated bathroom, go to the dining hall to pick up their meals, and go to the Field House to receive their second test.
    • Students who have documented that they are fully vaccinated will not have to quarantine upon arrival but will have to test. Returning students who are fully vaccinated (2 weeks post their final vaccination dose) should upload an image of their vaccination card to their health record through the Health Portal right away no later than May 20. Just take a picture of your completed card, go to the Ephs Portal, select the Upload tab, and upload the image using either “Immunizations outside MD or Williams” or “COVID-19 Vaccine Documentation”— both options will work. If you’re on a leave of absence you don’t have access to the Ephs portal for now, so please email the image to health​@williams​.edu. Even if you’ve been fully vaccinated, you still need to arrive on May 23 and test if you want to participate in Senior Days activities and have access to campus.
    • The window for arrival on campus and initial testing is restricted to Sunday May 23rd from 2pm - 8 pm at Towne Field House:
      • All returning seniors must arrive within this time frame (we are not able to accommodate late arrivals), and should head immediately to the Field House:
      • Please do not go to any other locations on campus until you have checked in.
      • Please enter the tent that is connected to the Field House's the east (Facilities building) side by the nose blowing station. You'll be greeted by someone from OSL to check you in, activate your ID and distribute your dorm key if you are staying on campus. From there you will be directed down through the tent where you will receive your COVID test.  (The same route will apply for your 2nd test on the 26th (minus the OSL check-in).  YOU MUST HAVE YOUR COLLEGE ID WITH YOU.  If you have lost your ID please make arrangements with CSS to get a new ID.
      • All returning students will be required to return for a second COVID test on Wednesday, May 26th from 10 am - 2 pm.


    • If you plan to participate in Senior Days activities, you will be housed on campus in a single room and must follow the quarantine/testing protocol outlined above. Important: if you plan to come to campus but did not respond to the Dean's Office survey with a request for housing, you must find your own off-campus accommodations.
    • No family members or other guests will be permitted to stay on campus, so they will need to find other accommodations. Explore nearby lodging options.


    • The college will support remote students returning to campus with ground transportation, on May 23 only from Albany Airport, Penn Station/New York, and Boston Logan with return transportation on June 1. Reservations close on May 19 and can be made via Williams Motorcoach Transport.
    • If you’re an off-campus senior on financial aid, contact Sue Gaskell  or Cyndi Haley in the Dean’s Office to discuss your specific needs with respect to travel support to return to campus for the events.

    Williams ID Card

    Be sure to bring your Williams ID with you—you will need it to access your dorm and the dining hall. Students who have lost their ID cards should contact CSS no later than May 17th to request a replacement.


    All returning students will be placed on a complimentary 14 meal plan upon arrival. If you have any special dietary issues or queries about meals while on campus, please email [email protected].

    COVID Precautions on Campus

    • Once on campus, you will be required to follow all student health guidelines, including social distancing and mask guidelines. Please note that students staying in our campus dorms will not be able to visit classmates at any off-campus apartments or houses at any time before May 29, including houses on Spring, Hoxsey and Water Streets. In addition, students staying in campus dorms may not host anyone else, including students who live off-campus.
    • Until May 29, students have access only to the campus (including Spring Street) and the corridor between Williamstown and North Adams (to buy essential items or arrange for hair care services, but not to eat in restaurants or bars).

    • In response to Governor Baker’s plan to lift COVID restrictions on May 29, we will return to our traditional guidance of six guests per student for the senior ceremony. As a result of this change, we will also no longer require tickets or registration for attendance.
    • By attending, you are attesting to the fact that you are free of COVID-19 symptoms and have not recently been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.
    • If you are unable to attend, the ceremony will be live-streamed on this website and shown in Williamstown on WilliNet TV, channel 1303. A video recording of the ceremony will be available on this website later in the day, Monday May 31.
    • To avoid damage to the turf field, only shoes with a flat bottom from toe to heel will be permitted. Footwear including sneakers, platform shoes, and wedges are fine.
    • Consult this map for parking options.
    • Late-May Williamstown weather is unpredictable.
      • If it's sunny, you may want sunglasses and a hat as the field and grandstand are not shaded. If the forecast calls for rain, you should bring rain gear. We discourage people from using umbrellas, since they block the view of other guests.
      • In the event of extreme weather (lightning, wind, and/or hail), the ceremony will go virtual
        and will be live-streamed from commencement.williams.edu
      • We will have a limited supply of water boxes at the ceremony. Please bring water.
      • Other than water, neither drinks nor food is allowed on the turf field where seating is located.
    • Immediately following the ceremony, all are welcome to the The Senior Celebration Picnic at the Weston Athletic Complex.
    • Starting Saturday, May 29, seniors may leave campus to celebrate with family and friends without asking permission first.

    • Families will be welcome into the dorms to help with move-out after the Senior Ceremony, but as a courtesy to the community are asked not to enter residential spaces before then. 

    • No family members or other guests will be permitted to stay campus, so they will need to find other accommodations. Explore nearby lodging and dining options.


    Williams College encourages persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities, and we will make every effort to anticipate the needs of the many guests who will gather at Williams for the Senior Celebration.  We will provide nearby parking, seating, and transportation from your car to your seat if you need it. We cannot provide wheelchairs. Please contact Surgimed (413) 663-8655 if you need such services.

    • Accessible parking will be in the Taconic Golf Course lot (which you should enter from Water St./Route 43 via Meacham St., not via Latham St.) or the Towne Field House Lot.  (See this map for those two accessible parking locations.)
    • There will be accessible seating on the turf field and in the elevated section along the east side of the venue, where the only shaded seating will be available.
    • We have ASL interpreters on stage for the ceremony and provide closed captioning for our online viewers. If you or a member of your party anticipate needing any type of accommodation or have questions about the physical access provided, please email Veronica Bosley ([email protected]) in the Commencement Office or G.L. Wallace

    Helping Students Move out

    Families will be welcome into the dorms to help with move-out after the Senior Ceremony, but as a courtesy to the community are asked not to enter residential spaces before then. 

    Graduation Announcements & Class Rings

    Photography and Video


    • The Senior Celebration will take place on Farley-Lamb Field at noon Monday, May 31. The ceremony will also be live-streamed and accessible worldwide at commencement.williams.edu.
    • For faculty who plan to attend, here’s Monday’s timeline:
      • ~7:00 a.m. email will be sent in the event of severe weather and movement to an online ceremony. Information and a video link will be posted here.  Plan for outdoors.
      • 10:00 a.m., the commencement venue, Farley-Lamb Field, at the Weston Athletic Complex, will open for guests.
      • 10:00 a.m. Hopkins Hall 105 opens for those picking up regalia
      • 11:15 a.m. Faculty should line up on the concrete walkway to the west (behind) of the football grandstand 

    Faculty Marshals Safa Zaki and Christopher Bolton will line you up in two parallel columns, with the head of the columns at the north end (toward the Gargoyle entrance gate on Latham St).  The Marshals lead, followed by the faculty emeriti, followed by the faculty who are being honored for moving to emeritus status, then the rest of the faculty in order of seniority.

    • 11:30 a.m. the academic processional steps off, as does the livestream of the event
    • ~noon Dean Marlene Sandstrom opens the ceremony
    • ~1:30 p.m. the ceremony ends with an academic recessional, followed immediately by a picnic on site
    • ~1:30 p.m. those with rental robes should return them to Hopkins Hall 105

    By attending, seniors, guests, faculty, and staff are attesting to the fact that they are free of COVID-19 symptoms and have not recently been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.

    To avoid damage to the turf field, only shoes with a flat bottom from toe to heel will be permitted. Footwear including sneakers, platform shoes, and wedges are fine.